The Southwark Planning Network (SPN) is a self managed informal network of active citizens. Local people from all over the borough are members. They are residents or run a small local business in Southwark. To become active in planning in the borough you might want to join with others in your neighbourhood.
We can tell you if there are any active groups in your area.
The SPN grew out of a list of local people who took part in the Southwark Core Strategy Public Hearings in 2010. By 2019, over 40 local groups had taken part in our meetings and about 270 individuals engaged in planning activities in their neighbourhoods are on the mailing list. Since 2016 there have been around five SPN meetings a year to share experience and information and for mutual support.
Currently SPN is focused mainly on encouraging and facilitating representations on the New Southwark Plan, and engaging with Southwark's Climate Emergency Strategy.
For further information and to join the mailing list, please send us a message using the contact form below.
SPN has increasingly been interested in drawing the links between climate change and planning in Southwark.